Being in the line of foundry from the past 50 years, our capabilities have by far exceeded our customers expectations which is a very big credential to the group.Agressive marketing, quality production knit closely by a very strong group administration has helped the group climb the product / market ladder. Expanding in related fields, the group has now over 6 product lines with more than 400 products.
Manufacturing facilities have been updated from time to time to keep pace with the quality requirements of the market.
Our capabilities can be shown with a few numbers
C. I Spun Pressure Pipes – 6000 TPA
C.I D/F Pipe – 2500 TPA
C.I Specials – 1,500 TPA
C.I Pulley – 1,200 TPA
C.I Earth Pipe – 1,000 TPA
G.I Flats – 2,500 TPA
Fabrication – 2,400 TPA
The group is expected to increase its facilities, both in manufacturing and marketing for the coming years and will be venturing into diversified fields. Currently the group is steadily progressing at a rate of 12.8 % per annum.
In short our capabilities are our strengths and they grow with every opportunity we grab.